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142 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Rumore bianco

DeLillo, Don
Rumore bianco

Fin dalla sua prima apparizione nel 1985, Rumore bianco di Don DeLillo si è imposto come un vero e proprio romanzo di culto, apice del postmoderno americano: non a caso il successo di critica e di pubblico culminò con la vittoria del National Book Award. Meno scontato era prevedere che nei decenni successivi Rumore bianco avrebbe continuato a essere la più precisa, divertente e inquietante mappa per orientarsi nei tempi...

CHF 30.50

Running Dog

Delillo, Don
Running Dog
DeLillo's Running Dog, originally published in 1978, follows Moll Robbins, a New York City journalist trailing the activities of an influential senator. In the process, she is dragged into the black market world of erotica and shady, infatuated men, where a cat-and-mouse chase for an erotic film rumored to star Adolph Hitler leads to trickery, maneuvering, and bloodshed. With streamlined prose and a thriller's narrative pace, Running Dog is a ...

CHF 65.00

Running Dog

DeLillo, Don
Running Dog
The home movie of Adolf Hitler's sexual exploits is up for grabs in a free market. Moli Robbins, ex-radical and worn out hack, is working for Running Dog magazine. She's on the trail of the Hitler story but might end up in the obituaries.

CHF 6.50

The Day Room

DeLillo, Don
The Day Room
The play opens in a hospital, the characters are patients, doctors and nurses. It is a recognizable, predictable world. And yet, as the scenes unfold - in dialogue crackling with intelligence and insight, with incandescent bite and humour - our sense of normalcy is rocked from under us. Are these doctors and nurses really just patients from the Arno Klein Psychiatric Wing? Or are they something else entirely: people who are playing psychiatric...

CHF 25.50

End Zone

DeLillo, Don
End Zone
A rich parody of the parallels between the jargon of football and the jargon of battle - and a touch of cold-war existentialism - makes this powerful novel as hilarious as it is relevant.

CHF 18.50

Great Jones Street

DeLillo, Don
Great Jones Street
A troubling satire of the romantic myth of stardom and the empty heart of rock and roll, more relevant than ever in our celebrity-obsessed times.

CHF 19.50

Mao II

DeLillo, Don
Mao II
Reclusive writer Bill Gray escapes his failed novel into a world of political violence.

CHF 18.50


DeLillo, Don
An epic novel combining fiction and history in a collaboration that encompasses fifty years of American history.

CHF 22.90

The Names

DeLillo, Don
The Names
A thriller, a mystery, and still a moving examination of family, loss, and the amorphous and magical potential of language itself.

CHF 19.50

Kosan Köpek

DeLillo, Don
Kosan Köpek
Nisan 1945te, Berlinde cekilmis gizemli bir film. Filmin pesinde bir porno koleksiyoncusu, bir senatör, antrepodan bozma kalesinde yasayan bir pis isler prensi, eski bir CIA ajani, mafya ve Radial Matrix... Radial Matrix, disaridan bakildiginda saygin görünen, oysa amaclarina ulasmak ugruna terörizme bile basvurmakta hic sakinca görmeyen bir sirket. Olay, porno koleksiyonerleri hakkinda arastirma yapan Gazeteci Moll Robbinsn islere burnunu sok...

CHF 22.50


Delillo, Don / Nielsen, Jørgen
Dybt utilfreds med udfaldet af Cubakrisen beslutter nogle afdankede CIA-agenter at iscenesætte et mislykket attentat mod præsident John F. Kennedy. De planlægger at attentatforsøget efterfølgende skal tilskrives Fidel Castro for på den måde at skabe modvilje mod den amerikanske udenrigspolitik.Lee Harvey Oswald, en falleret marinesoldat, bliver udvalgt som attenetatmand. Han har længe været fascineret af Karl Marx, boet i Rusland og har derudo...

CHF 61.00


Delillo, Don / Nielsen, Jørgen
Da Eric Parker, 28 år og finansgeni, en dag i april 2000 forlader sin treetagers penthouselejlighed på Manhattans fashionable East Side og sætter sig ind i sin hvide luksuslimosine, har han kun to punkter på dagens program: et gigantisk spekulationsprojekt mod den japanske yen og at blive klippet hos sin barber på West Side.Men som dagen går, udvikler yennen sig uforudsigeligt og katastrofen lurer i kanten af synsfeltet. Alle Erics selvdestruk...

CHF 41.50

Hvid støj

Delillo, Don / Nielsen, Jørgen
Hvid støj
Jack Gladney er leder af Institut for Hitlerstudier ved et universitet i en mindre amerikansk by. Her er hans kolleger for størstedelens vedkommende film- og mediegale newyorkere, der er kommet dertil for at studere trivialkulturen, læse tv-programmer og cornflakespakkernes tekster samt fordybe sig i den amerikanske magi og frygt. Privat lever Jack sammen med sin fjerde kone, Babette, og fire af deres sammenbragte børn i et forholdsvist almind...

CHF 61.00

Die Stille

DeLillo, Don / Heibert, Frank
Die Stille
»Der Roman der Stunde« Stefan Maelck, MDR Kultur.»Die Stille« wurde bei Erscheinen weltweit als literarisches Meisterwerk gefeiert. In seinem internationalen Bestseller stellt DeLillo die Frage, was passiert, wenn alle digitalen Geräte versagen und die Bildschirme schwarz werden? Was machen die Menschen mit der Stille, die folgt?New York im Jahr 2022: Es ist der Super Bowl Sunday. In einer Wohnung auf der East Side von Manhattan wollen fünf Me...

CHF 15.90

Falling Man

DeLillo, Don / Heibert, Frank
Falling Man
Ein kühnes Meisterwerk - Don DeLillos großer Roman über den 11. September New York am 11. September. Eine Stadt in Asche und Rauch. In eindringlichen Bildern zeichnet Don DeLillo den Ablauf der Ereignisse nach: von den Tätern zu den Opfern, von Hamburg nach New York. Erzählt wird das Leben einer Familie, die berührende Geschichte einer Liebe, der Alltag nach der Katastrophe. Keith Neudecker, der im World Trade Center gearbeitet hat, kann sich ...

CHF 17.50